1) Relief from pain – This important step addresses the immediate distress you are feeling, which is to find the cause of the pain and; through gentle B.E.S.T. treatments and/or therapy; achieve relief. Then we can go to step 2

2) Correcting the cause – The path toward permanent relief must include finding the actual cause of the pain or distress. Often, the actual cause is not obvious, because pain can be located in one part of the body while the cause may be located in another. Causes of distress occur from three areas: Trauma, Toxicity, and Thoughts. This means stress from injury, dietary insufficiencies, or emotional reactions that cause interference in your body. In all cases, the actual cause of pain or distress must be identified and corrected. Otherwise symptoms will return.

3) Living healthy – Once the cause of distress and pain has been discovered and corrected, changes in the living habits that caused the symptoms in the first place must be addressed. This may involve dietary and physical exercise changes. These enable you to realize the benefits of a healthy life.

4) Think healthy – Once step 3 is achieved, it is important to address ways to avoid the distress of negative thoughts, and to learn to think healthy. Your body operates as a whole, which means what affects your physical condition changes your attitudes and feelings. Likewise, the way you feel and think affects your body. When you learn to think healthy thoughts as well as live healthy physically, you address the whole person. This prepares you for step 5.

5) Staying healthy – Now that pain has been relieved, the causes corrected and we have learned how to live and think healthy, we are prepared to stay healthy. However, this does not occur automatically. We must always be alert to the fact that it is easy to go back to old habits and living patterns. But because we have taken the correct steps, we are now ready to stay healthy and achieve the benefits of permanent good health.

To learn more about how we can help you please call the office at 778 426 1006 to make an appointment.