Your body heals what is most important first!

Occasionally we might make mistakes in establishing our priorities, but the body does not. If your painful shoulder or back is not responding as quickly as you would like it to, you can be sure your body is directing the healing to some part needing the attention more right now for your very survival.

Your body rebuilds itself as a total unit- not piece by piece. It would be foolish for your body to completely rebuild and repair your kidneys, if your heart were to last only a few more days. It will, for example, improve your kidneys perhaps 5%, then change priority and work on your heart. When your heart is improved so it is no longer the worst threat to your survival, then your body will direct its attention to another organ or symptom.

Medications alter the priority of the body by fooling it’s intelligence. An aspirin may mask the pain of a headache, but this is accomplished only at the expense of interrupting the body’s normal communication. If the fire alarm is disconnected, pulling the handle will accomplish nothing. To get well, the body must be allowed the time and opportunity to repair everything that needs to be repaired. Pain is a good this; it warns you that there is something wrong. Acute severe pain is usually in priority and will respond accordingly, but chronic, long-term aches and pain may be down the list of priorities for survival.

Your body’s energy must be balanced to allow it the chance to accurately select its top priority and do the proper job of making repairs. That is how your Bio EnergeticSynchronization Technique (B.E.S.T) treatments help your body heal. How well you maintain that balance keeps your systems running smoothly and free from future pain or illness.

Keep your body’s energy balanced; follow a good nutritional program; maintain a positive mental outlook and have patience in allowing sufficient time for your body to heal itself.